Sharing our second podcast with counselor and deliverance minister, Mason Ledbetter, of Holy Fire Disciples Ministries (HFD). Marlena and Mason continue discussing the need for people to get free from their addictions and traumas. 'The freedom Jesus Christ bought for you' is a phrase that HFD shares on their website. People ask those that have issues if they can 'just get past it?' But it is not always that easy. Psalm 55:22 says, 'Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.' God is so willing to take on our burdens as we trust Him. Mason said the main reason people seek out his guidance is that they realize they are in a bind, or what we would call a stronghold. They are struggling or stuck and cannot seem to get 'unstuck'. Marlena and Mason discuss several issues that try to get ahold of people to cause addiction including gambling, pornography, masturbation, alcohol, drug addiction along with others. Mason ministers to many that deal with these exact issues. FREEDOM is available to them through the Lord Jesus Christ! Mason and his team work with a person to figure out what the root of the issue is as they work towards freedom for their client.
Mason Ledbetter is a Christian counselor that specializes in trauma, SRA, and deliverance ministry. His newly created platform, HFD Ministries Resources Hub, can be found on Facebook. You can make your own appointment with Mason, and he will share that in the podcast with Marlena. Deliverance ministry can be found throughout scripture where people were set free from demonic spirits and their influence in their lives. Listen as Marlena and Mason discuss addiction, pornography and masturbation, along with other matters that people need deliverance from in their lifetime. As always, The Journey is 'real, raw, and authentic'. We want to deal with the VERY things that people struggle with, especially those that have dealt with trauma, SRA and need help healing from these deep wounds. Mason and Marlena can share that GOD IS a healing God and ready to set us free from the darkness!
Marlena Compston speaks on the story of the shameful rape of Tamar by her half-brother, Amnon. This story is in 2 Samuel 13 in the Word of God. An interesting, though heartbreaking story of how generational sin births other sin within the family of David. This happened not long after David took Bathsheba in an act of adultery, impregnated her, then plotted for her husband to be killed on the front lines at war. Bathsheba's husband was one of David's most loyal generals. David was at the wrong place, at the wrong time and made some very bad decisions that cost him dearly. THEN... the story goes that his first-born son, Amnon, believes he is deeply in love with his half-sister, Tamar. He plots, with the help of his sordid cousin, to have Tamar come to his room to make a meal and feed him by her own hand. This results in a rape, destroying the purity of Tamar and placing her in a position of tainted, according to the laws of that time. Her brother, Absalom, learns what happened and two years later had Amnon killed. It's a devastating story that just has no happy ending for anyone. What do we learn? Stay in the will of God, choose to live uprightly and not engage in things of the flesh that can certainly destroy your name and reputation along with others.
TRIGGER WARNING: Childhood physical abuse will be discussed during this podcast, along with other possible triggering conversation.
My guest, Heather Simon, is a survivor. She shares her deeply moving life journey from being a young girl in California to a grown woman now living a happy and fulfilled life. She and her family suffered horrific physical abuse at the hands of an angry father. Her mother was abused, right along with Heather and her siblings. It's a horrific story that did not end well. Her mother was convicted in the death of her father, and she spent 20+ years in prison. The system, at that time, was not willing to consider self-defense, or spousal abuse that also affected their children. As Heather named this podcast, evil lurked behind their closed doors. They had bruises, and it just became a way of life. Heather shares her heartbreak, near suicide attempt, right along with healing through what seems impossible. The only way she has survived is by being a strong woman with an even stronger Heavenly Father.
Marlena welcomes Paul Ige Adeyanju, author of 'The King's Wisdom', now available on Amazon. Paul is Nigerian-born and found himself on the soil of the USA in 2009 to attend college to be a cardiologist …but God had another plan! He transferred from his college in Florida to attend Victory and Oral Roberts University (ORU). He has a fantastic testimony to share of God's faithfulness to him! He now leads worship at a Tulsa fellowship and is a blessing to everyone that knows him.
Misalignment is 'having an incorrect position or alignment'. The question is 'When is the last time we prayed to connect with the Holy Spirit?' Marlena encourages us to open our Bible to begin reading wisdom, which allows us to become hungrier for the Word. We are encouraged to press in and connect with our Heavenly Father. The Word says we will have trials and tribulations, but to count it all joy. (James 1:2) We must learn to be content in all things! (Philippians 4:11) We can get the Word deep in our heart and live that verse as we begin to apply it in our lives today! OR ~ do we react to everything that goes wrong? Disappointment, anger, and bitterness are just three things that can drive us OR we can get aligned with God and His Word. As we press IN TO Him, He always comes through! How do we get aligned so that we can follow His precepts, promises, and His plans for our lives? Proverbs 3: 5-6 says 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.' God doesn't want us out in the world living in depression, discouragement, disease or any of the 'd's'. It all starts by getting aligned with the Word of God.
FOUR ways we can align with God and His Word: 1. Obedience 2. Prayer 3. Decrees 4. Declarations Watch the words that we speak! Do we speak, 'Oh, that just makes me sick!' And we wonder WHY we are sick? It's so important that we align with God's Word. Don't say 'it's my (fill in the blank)'. It's not 'our asthma' or 'our diabetes' or anything else! SAY 'Lord, I am healed!' Speak to those things that be not ~ speak health and life into your body! Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you, plans to not harm you, but to give you hope and a future.'
Mattie Oakley lost her 17-year-old daughter, Elise, in September of 2020 in a tragic automobile accident. She will share the story of loss and forgiving the man that caused the accident. He is now in prison, and he and Mattie have established a relationship where she has forgiven him, and he has committed his life to Jesus Christ. Together, and separately, they have an incredible testimony.
This podcast is entitled 'From Widow to Warrior' with guest, Angie Bowker Felts. What a great word for those of you that are a widow or widower. God has a plan through the grief and loss. Listen to Angie as she shares of loss, grieving, and being open to love again.
Guest, Wade Burleson, and Marlena Compston discuss Wade's work within the evangelical church to make certain that sexual predators come to justice. A TIME magazine article in 2007 stated that Wade's fight to hold sexual predators accountable in the evangelical church was 'one of the top 10 under-reported stories in America'.
Wade was my pastor in the late 80's and early 90's. He served as the pastor of Sheridan Road Baptist Church, and was a Chaplain for the Tulsa Police Department in the mid-80's. He and his wife, Dr. Rachelle Burleson, now live in Enid where Wade pastored Emmanuel Enid for thirty years. He ran for Congress in 2022, and currently serves as the speaker coach for a Fortune 100 company. Wade is the president of Istoria Ministries in Enid, and writes about biblical theology and chronology, marriage and family counseling, and finance. He is an author of a dozen published books and dozens of published articles in scholarly biblical journals. Wade has a degree in Corporate Finance and manages the Burleson Family Investments hedge fund.
Wade has a brilliant mind, absolutely stands for justice, and knows more about the Word of God than anyone I have ever known! So very proud to call he and his wife, Rachelle, my friends. They have long been a source of inspiration. Their hearts' desire is to point others to a life in Jesus Christ, as they beautifully exemplify the very meaning of kingdom living and servanthood.
Marlena addresses several subjects including people being set free from their past trauma. Let's talk about YOU! Do YOU need to be set free? Do you deal with a spirit of poverty? Perversion? Pornography? Gambling? Addiction? You don't have to live that way anymore! Darkness means the total absence of light. We are born into darkness and full of sin and deceit. The truth is apart from the Lord Jesus Christ we have our own agenda. John 10:10 says 'The thief comes only to kill, to steal, and destroy. I (Jesus) came so they may have life and have it in abundance.' The enemy has tried to snuff me out several times ~ NOT ON GOD'S WATCH! It took years for Marlena to understand who she is in Christ. Ephesians 5:8 'For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.' I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 ~ THIS scripture gets Marlena through many days. She says we simply cannot do it without Him. You are invited to come out of the darkness in your own life. We've all had hurt in our life, and many have carried it for years. We don't have to carry around a big bag of rocks ~ bitterness, unforgiveness to name a few.
PRAYER: Lord, I need you. Forgive me of the sin in my life and save me from myself. I acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. TODAY I choose to make Him the Lord of my life. Today is my day of salvation! Amen.
Kara Diehl and Marlena met at a Tulsa event in the spring of 2024. They knew, as soon as they met, there was a spirit connection. Kara has a heartbreaking childhood story that God redeemed. Kara and her sister were led into the darkness by a man that introduced them to satanic rituals and seances. They experienced the trauma of satanic abuse which left them emotionally scarred for many years. AND THEN JESUS...Kara tells her redemption story and falling in love with Jesus. Join Marlena and Kara as they both share from their testimonies of once being in the darkness and being brought to the light and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Kara now owns Gracelets, and co-creates jewelry with the Holy Spirit.
View her website at
Marlena welcomes guest, Jamie Miller, of the Demand Project in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Demand Project ( The organization exists to eradicate human trafficking, online enticement, child sexual abuse material, and the commercial sexual exploitation of children. TDP’s strategy for fighting these crimes is the Prevention of victimization through awareness and education; the Protection of victims/survivors by providing access to quality attorneys, restorative justice, and pursuing civil litigation; to assist law enforcement with the Recovery of victims by providing Victim Advocate Support Teams; and the Restoration of survivors by empowering them to choose their own Journey to Freedom through the non-residential and residential Journey to Freedom Program. In 2013, Jason Weis and Kristin Weis founded The Demand Project to address the multifaceted fight against human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children. They wanted to start an organization that not only addressed the crimes against children by partnering with law enforcement, but also the prevention of victimization through education, and the restoration journey for survivors. They have since pioneered an organization and formed a passionate team of professionals that do just that, collaborating with the community on a local, state, and national level.